“At the end of the day these colors of black, brown, white . . . they were given to us by anthropologists. When we die, we die with blood. And it’s the same blood.” A conversation with Lexie Pitter

Lexie Pitter is a newfound activist, bringing police brutality protests to Chicago’s North Side, where residents perceive police as benign protectors, as opposed to threats to the innocent. An interview by Avani Kalra.

“The person behind the wall.” A conversation with activist Ginny Apuzzo

“I was in the convent at the time. I knew that I was lesbian. I was twenty-six. I was in a new program that allowed us more latitude than your ordinary canonical novice has. I had heard about, probably read an article in the newspaper, about this uprising, and it’s as if it drew me – not the riot, but the act of rebelling,” Ginny Apuzzo tells Tamika Thompson.