“Archipelago” by Mary Buchinger

Cover painting: Steven Louis Buchinger; Cover design: Martha McCollough

Lily Poetry Review, 2024, 102 pp.

dregs at the bottom 

  of the continent


 to be swept 

from the map

(broken mirror on the sidewalk

  its splinters dazzled by sun    

       an accident    this beauty 

wreckage   wrought

                     the sky fills in  

                each fragment brims)

     an archipelago: 

a chain of islands

        and also, 

what contains them—

Tierra del Fuego—     


                                    flung across 

                                            the Strait

   The poet canceled 

the place where she grew up

       where she gave birth to her children 

                                      and raised them

Sometimes I too feel ready 

      to excise and renew

                I bite my nails 

    trim the split ends of my hair

I think about the things 

       that will be gone

              how they will leave me

 The flowers from my friend

lean out from a cut-glass vase

      that cuts their stems 

   into diamonds of green

                  The cat chews 

                on the single stalk 

                  of purple buds

When I was a child

           one of my chores 

                          was to watch over 

                            the burn barrel   

poke the blaze

  help the fire turn the pages 

          of the Sears catalogue

             its socks and small houses

and render its complete world of things 

  to flame and ash

I loved to watch the grey elements

             played by wind and oxidation

                   twirl up and away 

                             littering the sky

             then fall  cool 

                      into the garden

      I recognize my archipelago 

   the self in pieces  some semblance

  of what was   

     pure floating  of incorrigible bits  


      a missing of the homeland  

                       (that indelible idea)


Mary Buchinger is the author of seven collections of poetry, including Navigating the Reach, Virology, /klaʊdz/, einfühlung / in feeling, Aerialist, and The Book of Shores. She has received poetry awards from the New England Poetry Club and the Virginia Poetry Society, a Norton Island Residency, and over a dozen Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominations. Her poetry appears in AGNI, Gargoyle, Hollins Critic, Laurel Review, Lincoln Review, Nimrod, On the Seawall, Plume, Salt Hill, Seneca Review, South Dakota Review, Sugar House Review, Queen Mob’s Teahouse, and elsewhere. She teaches at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and serves on the board of the New England Poetry Club.

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